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 Anaheim Ducks

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joueur de la LHJMQ
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Messages : 116
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2008

Anaheim Ducks Empty
MessageSujet: Anaheim Ducks   Anaheim Ducks Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Sep - 18:14

Pro team facts Farm team facts
Average age: 27 (25) yrs Average age: 23 (25) yrs
Average height: 6-0 (6-1) Average height: 6-2 (6-0)
Average weight: 193 (195) Average weight: 195 (191)
(league average)

The team is currently trying to run for the Stanley Cup and will be looking for veteran help.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jonathan Cheechoo 78 74 76 31 3500000 3
Bobby Ryan 65 71 74 24 850000 1
Denis Shvidki 67 57 64 30 490000 1
Igor Volkov 52 51 57 28 400000 1
Dan Gendur 44 42 52 24 330000 1
Samuel Regnault 48 40 51 19 330000 3
Shaun Landolt 40 45 49 26 320000 1
Knut Troschinsky 36 33 48 20 295000 3
They are looking for a 1st line right wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Travis Zajac 71 78 74 26 2500000 3
David Legwand 74 72 73 31 4500000 3
David Bolland 67 66 68 25 850000 1
Colin Fraser 50 54 58 26 400000 1
Yannic Seidenberg 47 52 58 27 380000 1
Ryan Garlock 43 53 57 25 370000 1
Mattias Hellström 49 50 56 25 370000 1
Bobby Robins 43 47 53 29 340000 1
They are looking for a 1st line center
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Darcy Tucker 74 72 75 36 4500000 1
Chris Higgins 74 69 74 28 2200000 1
Chris Kunitz 74 72 72 32 3725000 1
David Booth 67 66 69 26 850000 1
Jason King 69 64 68 29 600000 1
Vincenc Kriegisch 53 44 57 20 370000 3
Dusty Jamieson 47 41 52 30 330000 1
Lauris Darzins 47 45 48 26 330000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Mike Green 77 72 74 25 5250000 1
Brendan Mikkelson 64 81 72 24 900000 1
Christian Bäckman 66 73 72 31 4000000 1
Duncan Keith 64 76 72 28 6500000 2
Joe Corvo 72 73 71 34 3500000 2
Zach Tarkir 51 66 61 27 480000 1
Ivan Baranka 44 65 59 26 460000 1
T.J. Brennan 50 43 54 22 340000 1
Chad Brownlee 39 55 53 27 360000 1
Dustin Wood 34 51 52 30 335000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Marty Turco 83 83 81 36 6500000 1
Jonas Hiller 76 77 75 29 3500000 3
David LeNeveu 76 77 74 28 1300000 1
Christopher Heino-Lindberg 52 47 50 26 335000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Simon Prévost D C- C- 19 100000 0
Hannes Moeflehner C D C- 19 100000 0
Michal Wasco D D C- 18 100000 0
Raven Selin D D- D 19 100000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Juuso Nykanen C C- C 18 100000 0
Raimund Schuld C- D C 17 100000 0
Brandon McMillan C- D C- 21 450000 0
Nicolas Deschamps C- D C- 21 450000 0
Gilbert Van Hout D- D C- 18 100000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Sam O'Hagan C- D C- 20 100000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Mikael Uusitalo D- C C- 18 100000 0
Scott Everett D- C- C- 17 100000 0
Jake Gardiner D C- C- 21 450000 0
Ryan Hegarty D D C- 21 450000 0
Nick Pryor D- D C- 20 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Marco Cousineau D D C- 21 450000 0
Mattias Modig D D D 24 450000 0

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